Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Fate's a funny thing

Do you ever look back and think about those chance meetings that have changed your life? I've had many...

One of my best friends in middle school, Cassie. I can't remember how or when we actually 'met' and started hanging out, but when it came time to move on to high school, she was in a different school district. My mom and I moved so I could go to high school with Cassie. I have many fond memories of high school, most include Cassie. =)

In high school, a girl told the majority of our senior class that I had turned them in on 'senior ditch day' since I wasn't able to go. I had something else for school scheduled and couldn't get out of it. Believe me, I would've been there with the rest of the group if I had a chance. Anyways, she lied, people knew she was lying and that I hadn't done it, but that taught me that some people will be completely fake to your face and then talk shit behind your back. best friend, Tiffany, hated me when she first met me. We were in the same sorority and she said she couldn't stand how bubbly and hyper I was. Whatever...she got over it and loves me now! She's been the one to stand by me through all the hard times, including the time I told her that if she told me she was engaged to her boyfriend, I would refuse to be in the wedding. Yeah, that was a hard talk. She dumped him soon after and I love her new fiance!

After college, I was out at a coffee shop one night listening to a friend from high school perform and ran into another old hs classmate. We didn't really know each other, but chatted a bit. He invited me to an alternative church thing that was run by some other people from high school. I went...and eventually, became a Christian.

When I was laid off from the job that I moved to WI for, that same day, I had a meeting with a friend, who was having lunch with a guy that I met a few weeks earlier. Before I finished with meeting with my friend and before he left for lunch, jokingly, I told him to ask the other guy if he was hiring. He was and has been my boss for 4 years. He's had a huge impact on my professional and personal life and has been a great mentor for me.

Just 3 months ago, I came across a blog that impressed me. I emailed the owner asking for advice on how to market to college students. Even though I offered to pay, he said no, but I had already won him over with my charm. =) We continued to email and I proposed that he hire me to help with his conferences. He's crazy and he did. I'm now on my way to planning the next conference for him. I've learned a lot from his friendship and partnership. Who would've thought that googling for work could lead me to a new job?

Tonight, I sat next to a guy on a flight home and didn't talk to him until we landed and I pulled out my phone. He asked about it and we chatted a bit about staying connected for work with all the fancy tools on the phone. He asked what I did and I told him I was an event planner (that's the generic answer) and gave some more details. He then went on to talk about how he was planning his companies' Christmas party and wasn't enjoying it. (Oh yeah---he told me who he is and let's just say, his family is very wealthy in my town based on his last name!) Honestly, if I wanted it bad enough, I probably would've told him I'd help with the party if he was interested, and I bet he would've been. I didn't go after it...which is now 2 events I've turned down this week.

So call it what you want...fate, divine intervention, chance meetings...they all happen for a reason and I'm glad they do!

Inquiring minds want to know...tell me about a chance meeting that has changed your life.


Zee said...

I'm living in a chance meeting, actually. My boyfriend and I first met when I started working for the same company he worked for. I was married at the time. Shortly thereafter, I moved away with my husband. A year later, I divorced and went back to the company I'd come from. The cute boy who I barely talked to when I was married was still there and he took a chance and asked me out. We'll have been dating for six years this May. (A long time to date, I know. But neither of us are ready to take that next step as we've both been burned. Badly.) Though, we are taking a baby step and moving in together sometime soon...

tearsinmycoffee said...


Thanks for sharing. Great story which reminds me to keep my eyes open at all times for 'the one'. Actually...I wonder sometimes if there is 'just one'. I kinda don't want to believe that, just because the odds of us finding each other aren't good enough. Sad =(

Take all the baby steps you hurry!