Sunday, November 4, 2007

Everything I do...I do it for you!

I just got home from spending 13 hours with a group of college women I advise. The drive to and from is 1.5 hours, round trip, which makes my total time today 14.5 hours. I didn't eat dinner, unless you count a latte, and am exhausted.

Why would I do this? Because it's a way for me to invest in these women in a way that I would've loved to have had when I was in college so long ago (I realized on the way home I've been out of school almost 10 years...and I ain't talkin' high school!)

I love these women dearly and have become very close with some of them. If I wasn't completely exhausted, I'd write more...but will save it for another post. =(

1 comment:

Misty said...

it sounds amazingly wonderful!!!! There is nothing like pouring into others. It certainly makes all of the average days seem less lovely!