Sunday, March 30, 2008

I hate building thick skin

So, the conference was this weekend. Met a lot of fun people. Collected a lot of business cards and gave out 0 (I don't have any!). Venue could've been better with sound, but I think all in all it went great. Really, it was an amazing time and the feedback we got was pretty positive.

So what's this about thick skin? I let my feelings get hurt bad over something small. A question that was asked. However, it was who the question was from and what it was about that hurt.

I'm realizing that I'm responsible for my actions and reactions. Thus the statement of "I LET my feelings get hurt..." So what could I have done? Given my answer to the question asked and not thought anything about, which would mean disregarding my feelings that were trampled on. In order to do that, the skin has to thicken.

I don't like that feeling...thick skin. I wear my heart on my sleeve and let people in who I trust, which isn't many. And when it's someone I trust who hurts me, I want to bail. It's the easiest thing to face...think of me and me only.

I actually told this person to stop thinking about just himself, yet isn't that what I'm doing? Or is it? At what point do you balance thinking about yourself and others? How do you make that happen?

I think I think of others first. I want to do things for others. Because of that, I'm starting to think I was out of line in my feelings; that I'm overreacting and that it shouldn't be about me. But then I wonder when do I get the chance to justify my hurt, disappointment, anger, jealousy, etc. Should those feelings ever be justified?

I don't want to lose a friend over this but have really thought about reevaluating the friendship. I wonder if I've built it up to something more than what it could/should be. Then I wonder if it's ok to do challenge someone in their 'friendship' go deeper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the conference went well. Definitely keep me in the loop for next year (I'll actually budget for it).

Don't worry about letting something get to you. I think it happens to all of us. My theory, if you didn't cry, it was a success (yes, I'm that bad).