Saturday, December 29, 2007

Everyday Commitments working towards happiness

I teased a bit yesterday about the book I got and can't hold back any longer. Yes, I'm that excited about it! Book is "Everyday Commitments: Choosing a Life of Love, Realism, and Acceptance" by David Richo. Has 52 short chapters including:
  • Cultivating Loving-Kindness

  • Not taking advantage

  • A Brighter Self-Image

  • Being Authentic

  • Being Consistent

  • Life Purpose

  • Freedom from Stress

  • Egoless Intimacy

  • Healthy Sexuality

Each chapter starts with the commitment, such as this one for the chapter 'Saying Yes to Reality,' More and more, I say yes to the givens of human life. Everything changes and ends; things will not always go according to plan; life is not always fair or pain-free; and people are not always loving, honest, generous, or loyal, followed by a one to two-page commentary.

My hope is to read one of these a week, really think about it and how it could apply to my life, put it into action and record what I come to find. As I've snuck peaks at some of the guts of the book, a lot of the commitments are simple and things I realize, however, I'm taking the extra step to think more about these and make them a part of my life. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That book sounds interesting. Let me know if you enjoy it!

I read "Stumbling On Happiness" months ago. It was very interesting. I think it focused more on the chemical and scientific processes of being happy though. Still, it was very helpful and fun to read. Just throwing it out there :)