Sunday, March 18, 2007

What's wrong with Christian community?

I've been very busy lately with work and have withdrawn from my church and Bible study group for a few months. I've just recently come back to the group and have been welcomed back as if I was never gone. I finally made it back to church this morning for the first time in a while and it was great.

My Bible study group, or Life Group as we call them, is my 4th one since moving here. In the past, I couldn't find a group that I clicked with and felt genuinely cared for. In my job, I have a period of at least 2 months which are very stressful for me. I often work late during the week and end up doing work on the weekends as well. Each year, I've stepped away from my Life Group during this time. Each year, my Life Group has not checked up on me. This is one of the thing that irks me so much.

So many times I've been working during our regular Life Group time and wished they would stop by to check on me or call to say "We miss you" and it's never happened, until this year. I was actually planning to make it to LG one night and then had a very bad day at work. I called one of my friends to tell her I was not going to make it. Later that evening, I had 8 messages on my cell phone (this is not normal). As I listened to the messages, tears came to my eyes. It was indiviudals from my LG calling to say they missed me. During a time when I needed community the most, they were there for me. I was not forgotten as I had been so many times in the past.

I would hope that this was a regular occurance, but considering it was the first time for it to happen, I think it's rather rare. We currently have a few other people who have missed quite a few weeks from our group. I've emailed one of them and invited another one to hang out with the group (which she did make it to!). I'm planning on emailing the last one who no one has heard from in a while to see how things are going.

I realize everyone is busy and caught up in their own lives, but I think we need to open our eyes and hearts to the needs of those who are missing. One of our guys is basically living at the library due to studying. We can lecture him and tell him he needs a break (which he really does) or we can think of ways to meet his needs. I'm planning on putting a care package of snacks together for him and will go to the library to deliver it if I have to. :)

I feel that the Church reaches out to each other when tragedy strikes, but what about in our day-to-day lives? Are we blinded by our own 'stuff' to where we can't see others needs within our community? I really think by reaching out to our brothers and sisters, that our needs will start to be met as well.

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