Friday, March 16, 2007

The Frazzled Female

Yep, that's me, the frazzled female. Well, it used to be me.

I have a bad habit of overcommitting myself to doing 'good things'. In college, I served on every committee that I was interested in. I helped in planning every event I was interested in. I was so tired and exhausted, but I kept going and did this for a few years. It wasn't until my senior year, when I was on my way out soon, when I realized I don't have to do everything. Other people are capable of doing a good job.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist. Others view this as being a 'hard worker'. I was recently in Florida for a staff meeting and one of our staff asked me if I had trouble sleeping at night. I said sometimes and asked why. He then proceeded to ask me, in a nice way, if I was a workaholic. I told him I was. It was the first time I had ever admitted that to someone else. The hard part about this is I know I'm a workaholic, but I don't know how to back down from it, especially during our busy work season.

We've just ended our busiest time of the year and will have approximately 6 months of down time. I'm looking forward to this time and want to get caught up on all the things that have been pushed aside for so long. I'm taking things easy now (I've been off work for 2 days this week to watch March Madness!) and really plan to rest and relax and try to figure out a way that I'm not overcommitting myself to things and yet enjoying what I'm doing. I'm also hoping to work out a plan for limitations in my work.

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