Saturday, October 27, 2007

Saturday Stuff

**Warning--a bunch of randomness ahead!**

I love doing laundry! There's something about the cleanness and fresh scent that makes it so enjoyable. I'm doing laundry now.

I woke up at 7am this morning, even though I didn't want to. Why? The construction right outside my window woke me up. Seriously people...7am? On a Saturday?

Is it better to develop your own plan and do all you can to work towards it or to go with flow and accept what life gives you?

Why is it that I can dish out advice to just about anyone, yet those same words come back to haunt me when faced with my own decisions? This happened last night as I've been thinking about something. I could hear myself repeating 'words of wisdom' that were given to a friend that totally applied to what I'm contemplating. It doesn't make it any easier that the words came from me to begin with...maybe it's time to practice what I preach.

I can't stand it when past experiences in which I've been burned make me more cautious. Yes, I view them as learning experiences, but at the same time, they cause me to hold back on decisions in the future.

Why does it seem easier to stay in something you know, even if it's not exactly what you want or what makes you happy, than to take a chance on the unknown? I've had to think about what the worst possible outcome could be if I take a chance which in turn helps me with making the decision. If I think I could handle the worst outcome...what's holding me back from moving that way?

I really dislike being in a bad mood. Life is way too short to waste time and energy on being moody, however it's unavoidable at times. Thankfully, when I'm in a bad mood, I try to figure out why I'm in a 'mood' and then move on. Figuring out 'why' is helpful in trying to avoid the mood next time.

Do you have anything to add to this list of randomness? Alright...time to enjoy the rest of my Saturday! ;)

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