Saturday, November 8, 2008

Act my age, not my shoe size

Last night, I had the chance to hang out with another female doing similar work and within the same circle. We have mutual friends and have seen each other at events, but last night we actually had a chance to chat a bit. Was a great time getting to know her better. (Gaw--this sounds like a date or something. It totally wasn't.)

Anyways, we asked the "How old are you" question and come to find out we're the same age, (31, in case you're wondering). However, she thoughts I was 25-ish. I thought she was maybe 28 or 29. This has caused me to think a lot about how I'm acting and how I want people to perceive me.

Growing up, I was the 'mature' one of the group and I credit being an only child for that quality. I've been recognized as a leader for most of my life and am comfortable doing what I do without thinking much about what others think about me. But I'm at a point in my life that I think it's time to grow up; to be an adult.

When I compare myself to my new friend (which I don't often do), I see her classiness and my ordinariness. I see her composure, while I see my goofiness. Even reflecting on this and how things were last night, it hurts. I didn't do anything to make me not want to show my face ever again, but I didn't project myself as the 31-year-old successful woman I am.

Don't get me wrong...this doesn't mean that I can't have fun anymore. I can't go that far. ;) It's just a different type of fun. I feel like I need to calm down a bit when I'm in public situations and present myself in a better way. I'm making a reputation as the 'fun' girl, but I want to be the 'classy, pulled together, composed' WOMAN.

I honestly wonder what it would be like to go back 5-7 years with the knowledge I have now and how I would do things differently. Not that I have regret, but I think I could shape myself a little better to become what I'm hoping to mold into.

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