Monday, September 24, 2007

15 seconds too late...

I did a lot of driving this weekend (4 states in 4 days...) and today saw something that I'd never seen before. I came up on an accident that had just happened. Seriously, the dust was still in the air as I drove by. It looked like a truck had rolled across my side of the highway into the ditch. It was on it's side (driver door to the ground) and there was a body hanging out of the passenger window.

All of the cars coming through were stopping. People were on cell phones and were running to the accident. People were even stopping on the opposite side of the interstate to come help. I pulled over, but didn't know what to do. There were about 25 people moving towards the truck and I figured I'd just be another person in the way. I stayed in my car and started praying...for the people involved, for the families who would be receiving phone calls, for the people helping, for the doctors, for healing and understanding.

This whole incident brought about a few thoughts:
1. I don't tell people often enough how much they mean to me. Why is it we get so 'busy' in our lives that we lose touch with people who play vital parts in our lives? Why don't we tell those closer to us how important they are? I have a friend who is like a big sister to me who always, always, always says "love you" before she ends a call...and she means it. Because of her, I end my calls with my mom this way as well, most of the time.

2. Why is it when there's an accident, people will stop to help a stranger, but are so cautious when someone needs assistance on the side of the road or ignore the homeless man on the street or don't feel the need to share their wealth with those who don't have as much? Is it the immediate 'medical needs' that brings about the sense of urgency? There are other types of urgency's in the other examples, yet aren't as 'important'.

I truly hope the people involved are OK and continue to pray for them, even if I don't know who they are.

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