Thursday, September 18, 2008

I need a routine

Lately, I've felt very scatterbrained. In my work, in my personal life, in everything really.

Seeing as I work whenever I want, and sometimes from home, I don't usually set an alarm and just wake up whenever. This tends to be between 7am and 8am on most mornings and I usually have the laptop open by 8am. I then catch up on facebook/twitter feeds from the evening before and then check out emails. I don't have an official 'start time' for just kinda happens.

Throughout the day, I try to keep up with emails and take phone calls as they come in. I've been pretty bad about not making a list of what needs to happen. I'm coming into a season where I have multiple things going on and really need to stay on top of it all. When I don't get things down on paper, it's not a good thing. I know I waste time this way and can't prioritize what needs to happen.

Don't even get me started on how my personal life is getting neglected due to my lack of routine. Things like paying bills, getting birthday presents sent off, calling my parents, doing laundry, grocery shopping, are all forgotten about on a regular basis. They aren't a priority for me. I've even noticed lately that I'm putting less effort into my appearance when I go out. That's NOT good!

I need to get my butt in gear and get this in order. Life is way too short to continue lolly gagging. I feel like I don't have purpose or direction. I'm just 'doing' life. I'm not really 'living' life.

I've decided and am almost ready to give life my 100% undivided attention for a month. I want to get my life in order, do good and help others as much as I can, get out there and meet new people (both personally and professionally) and be completely open to interactions with men, including accepting offers for dates (if any come my way) and doing the asking (if need be--was recently told that because of my work position and the tech community, I may have to be the asker. Scary!)

Yep...I leave tomorrow for a big work trip to Vegas. I'm embracing this new month-long challenge right now and am ready to 'live life' for the next 30 days. I will not compromise my beliefs or morals and I will not shy away from the challenge. And yes, it will be challenging. In order to hold myself accountable, I'll even commit to blogging for the next 30 days about my adventures. *Now I'm just talking crazy talk...*

Anyone else up for creating your own 30-day challenge to go alongside mine? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller???

Day 1 starts really.

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