Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Security vs. Opportunity

There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity.
--General Douglas MacArthur

I've recently been in negotiations over a contract for the new job starting in a few months and it's been emotionally stressful and draining. From my point of view, I want to know that this is really going to happen. That if I confirm with my current boss that I'm leaving in a few months, that the new job is really going to be something there for me when the time comes AND has the salary attached to it that I'd be at least OK with. *My current boss knows all about the new job and is 100% supportive...actually giving me some advice about it. Would love for me to stay with him, but wants to make sure I'm getting into a good thing. How crazy is that?!**

From my partner's side, he's made clear that he's not comfortable naming a salary rate at this time as we're still months out from it actually happening. He's confirmed multiple times that he wants me to work with him. I would take over an organization that's been around for a few years, but would really be working to take it to the next level and make it a business, mostly on my own as my partner wants to focus on his other business, which I'm fine with, for the most part.

We've both been burned in the past through business experiences and come from different ways of doing business. It's actually been a great learning experience for me. He may not say the same thing. =) Because of this, I'm trying to confirm 'security' in this and I'd say he views it from his side as an 'opportunity' to see how things go. I don't think he's a shady person, by any means, and would hope he wouldn't screw me over, so that's not what I think drives his side of hesitation on agreeing to anything in a contract at this point.

I read an interesting piece this morning from a book called, Things I Want My Daughters to Know by Alexandra Stoddard. I'm including some key thoughts here:

  • The only true security is what is inside us. Outside circumstances are often outside our control...There are certain situations you have to give over to the universe. The security within us gives us the freedom to move about with a sense of inner peace, faith, and hope. Rather than being fearful of the future and seeking security, think instead of opportunity.

  • The only real way to calm your fears, gain in faith and grow more hopeful is to think about your own blessings. Know now and always, that all is well and that well-being is your natural state.

  • Relying on outside 'security' can be comforting, but is probably no more secure than building a sand castle on the beach at high tide. You could lose your money in risky technology investments. You could lose your job when the company where you work downsizes. Friends and colleagues could betray you. Your home could be devastated by a tornado. There is no guarantee of safety. By looking at all the good you are experiencing in the present moment, you will not make the mistake of taking your good fortune for granted. Live your life knowing that peace of mind, harmony, balance, and love are your true security.

I've been trying to talk myself into letting go of the 'security' piece the past few weeks and was ready to do so, until my partner failed to come through on something. I immediately took a step back and wasn't so sure at that point. Now, after reading the things above, I'm ready again to take the step towards thinking of this as an 'opportunity' and letting go of the 'security' I feel I need to have. This doesn't mean when the time comes for us to agree on something, that I'm just going to give in. I'm going to fight for what I'm worth, but at that point, I'm hoping my partner will see the opportunity in me and let go of his security piece. I have 4 months to prove myself and take advantage of every opportunity until then.

1 comment:

Zee said...

From the little I've read from you, you seem like a smart chick. New business deals are very scary things because it does throw security out the window. Life, in general, is one big risk. It all just depends on how much of that risk you are willing to take.

My two cents:
Listen to your gut,
Get everything in writing.

That being said, it sounds very exciting!

Good Luck!