Sunday, March 21, 2010

Where's that Passion??

So often I find myself living life with no direction or purpose. Yes, I'm successful, have tons of friends, and life isn't bad, but I'm not making a difference. I'm just 'being'. I'm happy, but think there's more I could be doing that would bring true happiness to my life.

For the past 4 years, I've had the philosophy that you should be passionate about what you are doing in life. That could be through your job, your hobbies, or even volunteering. Though I've had some tough spots the past few months with my job, I really am happy. But happy doesn't equal passionate. I need to find that passion somewhere else.

Hobbies--I like taking photographs. I like entertaining. I like dancing. I like connecting people. But I'm not PASSIONATE about any of these. So often I tell myself I don't have time or I'm too tired to do most of these things, but if I was truly passionate about these, I'd find time. **Note to self--start taking vitamins. That will help with the tired excuse.

Volunteering--I miss working with my Sorority. I didn't think there were any chapters near me, but I just looked at the website for my sorority and there's a chapter at USF AND an Alumnae chapter in SF. I'm emailing both today. I'm also emailing the National Headquarters about being involved with Social Media, which I've done in the past and never heard anything. Go me!

I'm tired of life passing me by. I want to take control of the experiences I have and the opportunities that are right in front of my face. I want that PASSION that I tell everyone they should have.

I'm such a procrastinator that I'm missing out on a lot of things. I have great ideas and get excited about things, but for whatever reason, never act on them. Having just attended my 56 year old uncle's funeral and with my 33rd birthday quickly approaching, I keep hearing Ferris Bueller in my head:
Life moves pretty fast...if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.


TVanHarley said...

Passion, huh? I feel what you are saying, however, it is more recently for me when I was sitting alone in the hospital wondering: "Why did God save me?" I am wondering, praying about what it is that I need to be doing that I am not doing. What am I missing that I shouldn't or what is my purpose? I have the issue of time restraints or using time as an excuse to not do things I really enjoy. Hang in there...we will know some day!!!

tearsinmycoffee said...

God saved you so I could keep loving you. :)

I'm glad you're thinking about what brings you passion. Sometimes it's overwhelming trying to figure out your purpose. Start small...little will come to you. Try to one thing each day that you love.

And trust me...I need to practice what I preach. <3 U!